About us

About heart to earth

At Heart to Earth we realized that people are looking to be part of something greater, that comes from the heart. A new generation of collaboration, of products and connections that envision and embody themselves within the sacred circle of life. Living, co-creating and exchanging in ways that nourish and nurture the earth, people, health and ancient traditions.

We recognize that every unique part of the whole is sacred. And that the time is now to come together and co-exist at a new level of harmony, wisdom and action.  

What we offer is not only products, but connection, opportunities to learn and co-create. 

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The pillars and principles of our collective

Sustainability, regenerative agriculture and regenerative practices: Creating a better world, where our actions and how we consume isn’t compromising nature’s biodiversity and in fact, helps nature and people thrive. Ensuring a better future for humanity and the children that will be born after us. 

Alter-globalization, a different development model: we stand for the right for everyone to have access to the international market without being exploited, and losing their identity through the process. Where everyone in the loop can benefit from the sale of products. Our energy is in supporting local communities and cultures to adapt and grow in the modern world, rather than the expansion of large industrial organizations that are disconnected from and do not priorities the health of the land, people, culture, products and ultimately consumers.

Collaborating and recognizing indigenous traditions and wisdoms: Putting ancient traditions into the light without shame, and co-creating with people and their cultures and sacred relationship with the Earth.

Cultivate consciousness and a new generation of collaboration: Through our consumption choices, and actions, we are conscious we are all part of the One. We unite to spread this new generation of conscious collaboration. 

Treating everything as sacred